Joseph Henry Seus

Cemetery:Visitation Cemetery in Forest Grove, Oregon
Birth:Wed Sep 15 1915
Plot #SW365


Youth Drowned Tuesday When Boat Capsizes
Joseph Henry Seus, 16, drowned in lake on his father's place near Leisyville early Tuesday afternoon while. trying to make it to shore.  after a boat in which he and his brother had been rowing, capsized.
Although the boy was a good swimmer the cold water is thought to have cramped him.
The accident occurred about noon, but the body was not found until 13:13 p. m., according to Coroner F. J. Sewell, who with officials and others were dragging the lake: to find the boy.
Josephi, who was with his 13-year-old brother, Edward, was pushing the leaky boat forward when the slipped and the boat turned over. He stood up in the water nearby for it short time and then struck out for shore, sinking in deeper water.
Joseph Henry Seus Jr. was born, September 15, 1915, -the-home place northwest of Hillsboro and had spent all of his life there. He was a student at Verboort high, school. Deceased is survived by his parents. Mr. and Mis Joseph Henry Seis Sr., and the following brothers and sisters: John, Edward, Bernard, Mary, Genevieve, Bertha, Dorothy and Helen.
Funeral services will be held at 10.a. m. Saturday at the St. Matthews church with Father Costello officiating. Final services will be at the Verboort cemetery. The body will be at the family home after 12 o'clock Friday.
Every possible effort was made to find the boy in time to revive! him, but without avail. Water was so muddy that rescue work was difficult. Members of the Forest Grove fire department were present with equipment for resuscitation.

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