Mary Vandyke

Cemetery:Visitation Cemetery in Forest Grove, Oregon
Plot #SW354


Mary Ann Bernards VanDyke

Parents: John Bernards and Anna VandenBrocks

Born 1846 in Reek, Holland, province of Noord Brabant

Moved to USA with her parents at age 15

Occupation: Housewife

Died in 1922 at age 75

Married Theodore VanDyke in DePere, Wisconsin on September 5, 1869 Theodore and Mary VanDyke moved to Verboort, Oregon in 1880 by way of railroad to SanFrancisco, then by river boat to Portland.

They were the parents of seven children.

The first five were born in Wisconsin, and the last two were born in Oregon.

Their children:

-Henry VanDyke

-John VanDyke

-Walter VanDyke

-William VanDyke

-Anna (Mrs. William Vandervelden)

-Petronella "Nellie" (Mrs. William Verboort)

-Theodora "Dora" (Mrs. Albert Jansen)

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